Click below to find out what to expect from this Year of Parish Revival and how we are invited to respond.

Four Pillar/Invitations During The Year of Parish Revival

Here's a Papal Teaching on the Eucharist..

"We must rediscover and cherish silence..."

Pope Francis' address to participants in the course, "Living Liturgical Acton Fully," January 20, 2023, Rome


Pope Francis: "And finally, I urge you to cultivate silence. In this age, we talk, we talk. ... Silence. Especially before the celebrations — a moment that is at times taken for a social gathering. We talk: “Ah, how are you? Is everything going well? Why not?” Silence helps the assembly and concelebrants to concentrate on what is to be done. Often sacristies are noisy before and after celebrations, but silence opens and prepares for the mystery: it is silence that enables you to prepare for the mystery, it permits its assimilation, and lets the echo of the Word that is listened to resound. Fraternity is beautiful; greeting one another is beautiful, but it is the encounter with Jesus that gives meaning to our gathering, to our coming together. We must rediscover and cherish silence!"


Below is the link to the whole article, "Living Liturgical Action Fully..."

Living Liturgical Action Fully - January 20,, 2023, Rome




This is Dr. Tim O’Malley's three part series highlighting the Eucharistic Legacy of Pope Benedict XVI. 

Part 1
 focuses on, The Eucharist is a Mystery to be Believed.
Part 2
 emphasizes, The Eucharist Is a Mystery to Be Celebrated.

Part 3 concludes by illuminating, The Eucharist Is a Mystery to Live.

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